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Part of Notre Dame’s legendary advantage is the respect our people and programs have earned around the world. Opinion leaders recognize that Notre Dame's educational programs develop business leaders who know what it takes to make a lasting impression on an organization—innovative strategic thinking, moral imagination, and a passion for productive collaboration.

ND Main Building and Basilica

ND Main Building and Basilica

Both historic landmarks on campus, the Golden Dome and the Basilica are true architectural masterpieces that serve as a consistent reminder of the awesome place that is Notre Dame.

Mendoza College of Business

Mendoza College of Business

Arguably the best business school in the world, the Mendoza College of Business seeks to teach rigorous business skills within an ethical framework. At Mendoza, ethical leadership and business for the greater good are woven into the fabric of the college.

Beta Alpha Psi Logo

Beta Alpha Psi Logo

An insignia of the elite, the Beta Alpha Psi logo represents academic excellence, a commitment to service, and an unwavering drive towards greatness.

The Grotto

The Grotto

The Grotto is one of the most sacred places of prayer on Notre Dame’s campus. At all times of the day and night, students, faculty, staff, alumni, and visitors make their way to the Grotto for quiet reflection and prayer.

Accounting T-Shirt

Accounting T-Shirt

Simple yet elegant, these Notre Dame accounting T-shirts are available for purchase! Contact a BAP officer for more details.

Mendoza College of Business

Mendoza College of Business

Mendoza strives to build a premier Catholic business school that fosters academic excellence, professional effectiveness, and personal accountability in a context that strives to be faithful to the ideals of community, human development and individual integrity.

BAP Stole

BAP Stole

Upon graduation, each Beta Alpha Psi member who meets the appropriate hour requirements will receive this stole as a tangible reflection of their hard work and dedication.

Jordan Auditorium

Jordan Auditorium

Located in the heart of the Mendoza College of Business, the Jordan Auditorium is a common location for CEO presentations, panel discussions, and intellectual debates.


The Upper Echelon - A Note from co-Presidents Amanda Janouch and Tommy Yemc:

Congratulations! If you are reading this, that means you have been identified as a talented and accomplished young professional in the Notre Dame accounting program. You have not only met the expectations of a rigorous accounting program – you have excelled. 

The Notre Dame chapter of Beta Alpha Psi and businesspeople across the country acknowledge that you have high potential, and that with the right experiences and education, you can grow even further to become a top-tier professional. That's where Beta Alpha Psi comes in to offer you a way to propel yourself from "ordinary" to "exquisite." How? Well I'm glad you asked. The nature of Beta Alpha Psi membership is two-fold:

  • Beta Alpha Psi membership highlights your achievements.

    • It is an indelible mark of accomplishment and distinction in your academic career

      • Recruiters have expressed that they know BAP members exhibit professionalism and commitment to growth.

    • Inducted members who meet service requirements will receive an honor stole at graduation.

  • Beta Alpha Psi encourages your continued growth through outside-the-classroom professional education, service, and networking opportunities.

    • Professional presentations and meetings sponsored by BAP​

    • Service opportunities organized by BAP

    • Networking events and awards ceremonies

From my own perspective, I can tell you that being a member of Beta Alpha Psi has been a very rewarding experience. I have been able to attend interesting presentations on a range of relevant business topics, meet accounting professionals and learn about their career paths, and meet other accounting majors that share my interests, goals, and even confusions. Please take some time to consider joining the Notre Dame chapter of Beta Alpha Psi. I know you will make the right decision!


Benefits of Membership:


  1. Numerous professional meetings are sponsored each semester with presentations on technical accounting topics offered by the Big Four accounting firms. After each meeting, there is a networking reception where the presenters are available to discuss opportunities within their organizations and respond to any questions about their presentation. For a schedule of professional meetings during the upcoming semester, see the "Calendar" tab. 

  2. Several service opportunities are also provided in order to benefit the South Bend and Notre Dame communities. Members may choose to (1) use their accounting expertise to help others (through tutoring sessions, accounting work for not-for-profit organizations, the Taxpayer Assistance Program, etc.), (2) complete volunteer work in the community (through the South Bend Public Library Math Clinic, the Center for the Homeless, etc.), or (3) educate other students about accounting opportunities and financial literacy. For a schedule of service meetings during the upcoming semester, see the "Calendar" tab. If you would like additional information on this year's service activities, please reference the "Service" tab.

  3. Leadership opportunities are also provided through a number of officer positions and chairmanships of professional/service project committees. These positions generally meet most (if not all) of your professional and/or service hour requirements for the year. In addition, presentation experience can be gained and enhanced by presenting at either the Regional or Annual Meetings (travel and other expenses are covered for attendees).


Welcome to Beta Alpha Psi at the University of Notre Dame

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Created by: Kevin Schneider

Last Updated: 9/10/2017

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